[VRChat] Tanktop asset for JuliaWinterPaw's Feminine Canine
Tanktop for Julia's Feminine Canine avatar!
Files include:
- 1 UnityPackage to install asset
- 1 Blender file
- 1 Substance Painter file for retexturing
- 1 FBX
Things to note:
Asset does not come with the avatar, please get it yourself at https://juliawinterpaw.gumroad.com/l/vrchatcanine?
Materials currently use Mochie shaders,
it is not included in the package
you can get the latest version at
Terms of service (TOS)
What you cannot do:
- You are not allowed to use this asset in
any negative way (racism, hate speech, etc)
- Claim any of the asset given in the package as yours
- Resell this asset
What you can do:
- Modify and customize any part of the asset
as well as the texture
- Use the asset with JWP's avatar in accorandance
with their TOS (Social platforms, Streaming platforms, etc)
- Although not neccessary, credits will be greatly appreciated
I, Alexi, am not responsible for any misuse or misconduct of the asset.
In the asset